Sunday, December 04, 2011

Are we any more misguided than before? A generation of drifters, only held together by a string of internet on our iPhones.

Where are our leaders? When did moral die? Everywhere I see is corrupt. Can you see past that or do you look away?

Who's in charge here? Did my God step down after some shirtless scandal compromised his campaign?

Do you love or refuse to be loved? Will we ever be on the same page as before?

Would you be glad to see me in your light? Or would you kick me away or falter into yourself?

Do you want me to listen to your words, your actions, or your mind? How can I believe your answer and did I hear you right?

Skepticism alone will never get us out of here. Grab the light and I'll meet you on the other side.

I miss you.

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